How To Get Started With Yoga

In today’s society, yoga becomes one of the most recommended fitness options. This is an activity that is very much flexible as it can be done anywhere. It’s not hard to find experienced yogis where you can learn the basics ––Instagram and Twitter are filled with people who have mastered Continue Reading

Fight depression today!

Being depressed can make you feel sad, hopeless, and tired inside and out and. The worst case of a depressed person is the state where a serious mental condition is being developed and transitions in time to being suicidal. If you don’t want to be put in this alarming situation Continue Reading

Forget the gym, find your passion to stay fit

Not everyone would love to go to the gym to exercise to achieve their fitness goal. These days, the gym is more like a photo shoot than a place to exercise as it is full of people taking Instagram videos and selfies. Also, the gym is now considered as one Continue Reading

Why you should try a plant-based diet

Ideally, to achieve a healthy lifestyle, people choose the food from their local market that they thought to be healthy, organic, and fresh produce. These days, processed food is more convenient to buy and consume but it can also mean a certain amount of sugar, sodium, food additives, and artificial Continue Reading

A definitive guide to relaxation for people with busy schedules

Prioritizing relaxation is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy. Relaxation can slow heart rate, increase blood flow, and reduce chronic pain. Of course, none of this matters if you don’t ever find time to de-stress. With a calendar filled with meetings, appointments, and social events, the only way Continue Reading

SPF is your friend during the Summer – Things to look out for In a Perfect Sunscreen

What does SPF stand for? Before we go on to list out the numerous advantages associated with SPF, first, I think we should know what the heck SPF stands for? SPF stands for the Sun Protection Factor. In rough terms, it tells you how long skincare products will protect you Continue Reading

Three Tips for Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus

COVID-19 has thousands out of work, hundreds in hospitals, and millions at home. During this new normal of social distancing, you must do everything you can to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus.  By now, you’ve probably memorized a 20-second song to wash your hands to. Washing your hands Continue Reading

Proper Sleep Habits make Bedtime a Breeze 

Getting a good night’s sleep turns your whole day around. By waking up feeling refreshed, you’re sure to make the most of the day ahead. However, it can be difficult to fall asleep when you don’t have proper sleep habits. Check out these tips for creating your own bedtime habits Continue Reading

“Love Island” is our New Guilty Pleasure

Love Island is Big Brother mixed with the Bachelor to create the perfect disaster. It is the definition of a guilty pleasure. Contestants, or Islanders,  are competing to win $50,000 and each other’s hearts. To win the grand prize, Islanders must stay a couple till the end of the series Continue Reading

Three Popular Resolutions that Everyone can Enjoy

Ah, the New Year – a time of starting over and embracing change. Sometimes coming up with resolutions is difficult, but that’s no reason to not try to better yourself. We’ve come up with three popular resolutions that everyone can enjoy. No matter the age or lifestyle, you’re sure to Continue Reading
