We gave fasted training a shot

What is fasted training? Basically, fasted training is the act of training or working out while your body is in a fasted state. A fasted state is not limited to “an empty stomach.” It also pertains to a period of time where the individual has gone five or more hours Continue Reading

What You Need To Know About Dopamine

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been connected with pleasure in popular culture. The release of dopamine is believed to jolt the pleasure centers in the brain and feed the fires of addiction, in addicts and thrill-seekers everywhere. It is connected to the formation of habits and addictions, and it Continue Reading

5 Tips to a Better Physique

Getting a good physique isn’t always an open and shut case; even those with natural genes have to put in work from time to time. Getting a good physique isn’t something that happens overnight. It has to be deliberate, and there is a need to adopt a particular lifestyle to Continue Reading

4 Steps in Conquering Your Resolutions This Year

A brand new year offers countless opportunities to start something new, embrace a change, and build a better relationship with our family and loved ones. We start the year by planning and taking time in making our New Year’s resolution but what happened on day two? With a few key Continue Reading

How to Stay Active and Healthy as Your Family Grows

A family that is growing needs to stay active and healthy while building a good relationship and a strong bond. Maintaining a loving relationship with your partner is one thing but extending that love and including your growing new family members is another. With your partner it’s simple, you might Continue Reading

Daily Stretching with Your Favorite Yoga Moves

Yoga has been one of the platforms that we see on social media that promotes fitness and healthy lifestyle. It’s no surprise that the practice of yoga has grown in popularity over the last couple of decades. It has several benefits like core strengthening and improve flexibility. However, yoga has Continue Reading

Apple’s Amazing iOS 12

There are a lot of things that we love about Apple. One of them is because this company never stop innovating. With the smooth evolution of their products along with their operating system, their users are definitely satisfied. The 2018 Apple event was a genuine expression of Apple’s ingenuity and Continue Reading

How to Start Rock Climbing Without Thinking of Your Upper Body

Rock climbing is a full-body exercise that is both mentally and physically challenging. It might seem like it’s heavily dependent on your upper body, but your lower body plays a major role too, even though you might not think so. Climbing also builds the strength of your hands and can Continue Reading

What to consider when hiring a personal trainer

Staying healthy and in shape is such a challenging task to do. You need to have a great motivation to start your fitness goal and finish it strong with amazing results. When your personal workout task does not work, you ask yourself if you are good enough to continue without Continue Reading

Ways in Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

When was the last time you came up with a New Year’s resolution list? How many of them were executed? For most people, new year resolutions are like second chances: A second chance at being a better you; a second chance at getting another year right; a second chance at Continue Reading
